Services last about one hour
What to Expect
Messages have a practical application regardless of your faith journey
High-energy & authentic worship music
Safe, fun, and engaging environments for every child
Take Your Next Steps

We believe that circles are better than rows, therefore community is a key aspect of LifeBridge Church. Most groups meet weekly in the home of a group member. Group registration happens online twice a year, in January and August. When it opens, you’ll have the opportunity to register for the group that best fits your schedule.

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. We all have hurts and if we don’t walk through them authentically with Jesus, we can get hung-up and pursue destructive habits. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to work through them. This Jesus-centered 12 step program is open to anyone looking for freedom.

It takes almost 100 Volunteers to make Sundays happen. From helping people find a parking spot to welcoming first-time guests, from praying for people to brewing coffee to being a part of our Kid's ministry areas; it’s the easiest way to get plugged in and find community!

Need Prayer?
Prayer is an amazing gift we have been given by God. It is the avenue through which we communicate and connect with Him on a personal, intimate level. It’s not just about what we want. Prayer is about getting to a place where we want what God wants for us. There is power, strength, and hope in prayer. And we want to pray alongside you for all that God has in store for your life.

Ready to make your decision to follow Jesus public? Baptism is your next step. Click the button below to sign up.

Where kids learn to know and follow Jesus! Children’s programming is available at every weekend service for infants through 5th graders.

Our mission is that every Student knows they have a dedicated place to be loved and accepted as they are, have fun with friends, and grow with God! Join us every Sunday Night at 5pm!